What the hell is she doing?

Styling by Tali Kogan, Photo by Yulia Sribna

I Have a Few Updates to Share

Leave it to a sister to tell it like it is. I am the middle of three daughters and the older one was like, ugh, maybe you should explain to people what you are doing now so they don’t get confused?

She was probably right. So in the spirit of listening to my big sister, I wanted to share a little bit about what I've been up to lately...

Basically, the pandemic f*cked me up. 

I was grinding hard, leading my company Yakkety Yak through massive changes, turnover, changing generational dynamics and an acquisition, all while raising three young babies. 

I got burned out. I realized that all of the expectations for women were overwhelming and that so many of us were merely surviving. This wasn't the lie I wanted to live out loud for myself. So I started a journey to get back to center. I needed to reclaim parts of me that I'd lost—the good parts, like my inner weirdo and musician and artist and nature lover. I also needed to reconnect with my mind to figure out what beliefs were mine and what had been taught to me by society so I could live in my own truth, my authenticity. 

Man, did I leave behind a lot of limiting beliefs. I also learned to listen to my soul, not just my ego. Sound healing was a big part of that journey, as well as reiki, breathwork and reconnecting with my body through yoga.

And it transformed my life. 

Because I *had* to share these practices with the women I love, I started hosting events, like workshops dinners and even a retreat. I knew in my core that this work was part of the next phase of my life. But I had to figure out how it would coexist in my life at home, as a mother and as a CEO. Ultimately, I realized that the common thread was my passion for helping people, especially women, access their purpose, power, peace and authenticity. 

So why am I telling you this? Because you are going to be hearing a lot more about this stuff from me. And I don't want you to think I'm manic or unhinged (though some of you will and that’s okay) or that these practices aren't accessible to you. The reason I want to share this work is because I believe in the collective, and our ability to find joy and balance in our lives. 

Thank you for being with me and supporting me during all the transitions big and small. I have so much gratitude for you.




Let’s Dig Deeper